
Though “bone grafting” may sound intimidating, this procedure is often performed by our dentists. The bone tissue in the jaw is often used to support other restorative treatments, such as dental implants. If this structure has been compromised by decay or the natural aging process, it becomes difficult to perform restorative treatments. Grafting allows our dentists to address the underlying problem of weakened bone tissue.

There can be many different reasons for compromised bone tissue. While dental decay and periodontal disorders can aggressively affect the jawbone, many times bone loss happens with tooth loss and the simple passing of time. In patients who lose multiple teeth, the jawbone can quickly atrophy with disuse. To counteract this, Advanced Family Smiles inserts graft material into the bone to help rebuild lost tissue. After placement is completed and the grafting procedure is completed, our dentists can start implant and restoration work.

Reach out today and schedule a grafting appointment at 215-637-7474. Our dental providers will make sure that your grafting procedure is completed safely and to our patient’s satisfaction. They are also willing to answer any questions you may have about a scheduled bone grafting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and will help you understand your treatment plan.